Their Words. Their Terms.

Thoughts from Faith Driven Athletes.

Beyond Blessed
Article, Football, NCAA Faith Driven Media Article, Football, NCAA Faith Driven Media

Beyond Blessed

On the outside, it might have seemed like my UNC career started that day, but in reality the journey started long before then. A journey that included a lot of highs but a few setbacks as well.

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1% Better
Baseball, NCAA Jonny Wills Baseball, NCAA Jonny Wills

1% Better

Our goal is to get one percent better every day. That may not sound like much, but if you stack one percent on top of each other every day for three or four years you’ve turned yourself into a totally different player.

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Leaving a Mark
Article, Football, NCAA, NFL Faith Driven Media Article, Football, NCAA, NFL Faith Driven Media

Leaving a Mark

When Artavis Pierce got injured, he had to watch his replacement exceed everyone’s expectations and threaten to keep the starting spot even on Pierce’s return. Jealousy is real. But it doesn’t have to control us.

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Built When Broken
Article, NCAA, Football Faith Driven Media Article, NCAA, Football Faith Driven Media

Built When Broken

When I committed to ECU, my goal was to be the next Tim Tebow. I didn’t know if that would mean winning a Heisman Trophy or winning a National Championship, but it did mean using my platform to glorify God.

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