I’m Just Thankful

John Solheim

At the end of every podcast, we like to ask our guests to share what God has been teaching them in this season of life. John Solheim, CEO of PING golf shared how God has prepared him to lead his business into its next generation of ownership.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 4:5-6

Yeah. You know, Proverbs 3:5-6 has been always what I've depended on from the Lord. Just you know, Don't question him. Just follow his guidance and he'll lead you on a straight path. And you know, that's really what I've held on to. And it's the same verse my dad did.

You know, it's kind of funny because I'm a kidney transplant. And, you know, I tracked my kidney for 23 years with Mayo Clinic, knowing that they told me in 10-12 years I’d need a transplant. I always figured I was an in-between. I wasn't the person that would lead PING to the next generation.

Then, after the kidney transplant. All of a sudden, there's nothing holding me back. So I started to run. It's worked out really well. But at the same time, like all along, I've thought about the transition, how to move the business to the next generation.

You know, now this month I turn 74. So I'm doing really well for my age. But I want the next generation to be able to run with it. I still want to keep putting myself into it. The Lord is letting me do that and I'm just thankful for it.


Podcast Episode 13 - One Yard Short


Trust the Process