That’s What It Cost

Benjamin Watson

At the end of every podcast, we like to ask our guests to share what God has been teaching them in this season of life. Benjamin Watson shared how God is opening his eyes to the devastating power of sin during the week of Easter.

They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. - Luke 24:2-3

Yeah, so this week for those who are listening. You know, we recorded this week is the week of Easter. And so this morning, we were just as a family reading through the gospel account in Matthew, of Jesus’ crucifixion and just the torture and the unjust trial he endured and the fact that he did all those things for us and that actually pleased the father for him to do that.

And it pleased the father because of what it meant for sinners, what it meant for us. It meant that by Jesus’ obedience to the father's plan, we were able to be right with him. We were going to have our relationship restored with our creator.

And it's an amazing, indescribable event in history that has ramifications today. The world has never known a love like that. There's been no love act that has ever happened that will come anywhere close to as what Jesus did for us on the cross. And so today, especially being Good Friday, just thinking about that and realizing the ugliness of my sin and that my sin isn't funny. It's not okay.

It's not just because I'm a guy, you know, that it's okay for me to think this way or look at this or, you know, have lust in my heart or pride. It is not okay. Jesus went through torture because of my sins. That's what it cost. It cost death.

And so I think today, specifically when you ask me a question, it's kind of a somber note, realizing the gravity of my sin. But it's not without hope, because we know that three days later he rose in victory. And so we do have hope. But we don't understand the hope. And we don't understand the victory. We don't understand the gravity of all that we've done in this our sin nature that separates us from God.


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